
Lakewood holds Golf Cart Parade, Food Drive | Local |

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Lakewood holds Golf Cart Parade, Food Drive | Local |

Santa & Mrs. Claus, played by Byron & Lynda Nelson, led the parade last year.

Santa & Mrs. Claus, played by Byron & Lynda Nelson, led the parade last year.

The Lakewood Subdivision will be having its second Holiday Golf Cart Parade and Food Drive on Saturday, Dec.16 from 5 to 7 p.m. Decorated vehicles will meet at Travis Elementary at 4 p.m. for photos and prize selection.    The parade will leave Travis at 5 p.m. and will travel through the subdivision picking up neighbors’ non-perishable food donations for delivery to Hearts & Hands of Baytown for their food bank.   There will be gift cards awarded by the Lakewood Civic Association to the top three decorated vehicles, chosen by Santa and Mrs. Claus.   The map of the route is available on the Lakewood Civic Association website at   Food donations can also be dropped off at Travis Elementary from 5 to 7 p.m.

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Lakewood holds Golf Cart Parade, Food Drive | Local |

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